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Risk assessment mythologies, haha funny right… Methodologies. What could it mean…

The evaluation or estimation with of the nature, quality or ability of someone or something.

So is the actual quantification of a risk, being quantitative or qualitative. How could we even count or grade a risk; well, that’s when the mythologies comes in. Normally two factors are taken into consideration, the consequences and the probability. The consequences being all the potential loss, counted either monetary or by a given parameter and the probability being the actual percentage, the likeliness of happening or occurring.


He’s probably right, but first we need to learn how to analyze a risk and take a wise decision. There’s a really interesting articule written by the GIAC. I’ve written about them before, I’ll link the post here. This post will be based on that article.

There are three mythologies… haha enough. Three methodologies used…

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